Ten Conversations You Must Have With Your Son

Ten Conversations You Must Have With Your Son

Tim Hawkes
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  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 336
  • Publication date: 2014
  • Publisher: Hachette Australia
  • Weight: 0.458 kg ISBN: 9780733631740 Note that the actual book cover may differ from the picture

Every parent of a teenage boy knows there are certain conversations they must have with their son. But too often they put them off - or don't have them at all - because they simply don't know where to start. Internationally recognised in the field of raising and educating boys, Dr Tim Hawkes provides practical, accessible and invaluable advice about how to get these discussions started.

Helping parents to negotiate their way through what can be difficult territory, Dr Hawkes explores the why, what and how of ten key topics: love, identity, values, leadership, achievement, sex, money, health, living together and resilience. For each topic, Dr Hawkes offers ideas about how parents can share their own experiences, values and knowledge with their sons.

This book will help you prepare your son for adulthood.