The Home-made Cat Cafe

The Home-made Cat Cafe

Lucy Truman
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  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 192
  • Publication date: 2016
  • Publisher: Little Tiger Press Group
  • Weight: 0.19 kg ISBN: 9781847156723 Note that the actual book cover may differ from the picture

Isla Palmer is CRAZY about cats - SUPER-IN-LOVE crazy - but her vet-nurse mum has never let her have one. Then Isla meets Poppy, a gorgeous cat in need of a loving home, and comes up with the perfect way to convince Mum. It's not long before Poppy has transformed life at the Palmers' - everyone is happier, especially Gran, and even Isla's older sister Tilda admits she likes having Poppy around. But Poppy isn't the only one in need of a home and soon their house is full of cats. With Mum at her wits' end, Isla needs to come up with a plan and fast!